Children two and a half to three years old are becoming more social, learning to self-regulate, and retaining more and more information. This is an age of tremendous vocabulary growth. Children are becoming more independent and seeing growth in their attention to tasks. CJEC is committed to growing the whole child and focuses on language, cognitive, gross, and fine motor skills, self-help, and social-emotional skills.
- Climb, run, and walks upstairs using alternating feet
- Makes vertical, horizontal, and circular strokes
- Begins holding a pencil in a tripod grip
- Begins using scissors by making snips
- Uses pronouns correctly
- Builds a vocabulary of 250-300 words
- Builds to 3-4 phrases or sentences
- Understand positional words
- Communicates needs
- Says simple rhymes
- Sings simple songs
- Begins to sort objects by one attribute (ex. Color)
- Rote counts to 10
- Engages in make-believe play
- Eats independently
- Cleans up
- Expresses emotions